Partners in Action Newsletter – March 2018
Partners in Action CEO Jerry Bowman and Director of International Projects Jean Bowman recently attended a seminar held by the Acton Institute. The Acton Institute is a think-tank whose mission is to promote a free and virtuous society characterized by individual liberty, sustained by religious principles, and driven by free markets.
For the underdeveloped world the Acton Institute has developed the Poverty Cure model where economic and Christ-centric beliefs are the foundation for moving underdeveloped areas to thriving communities. Simply stated, “As entrepreneurs and investors build businesses, they not only create goods and services and provide jobs, but they can also play an important role in creating social cohesion and developing a vibrant civil society”.
Partners in Action fully embraces the Poverty Cure model. We are working today to lift up communities in Nigeria, Uganda and Zambia using Philanthropy as a catalyst to start and nourish new business enterprises that will over time lift the community out of poverty. We call this Philanthropreneurship™.
Learn more at
Faith Solutions to Mental Health (FSMH) is a Partners in Action affiliate Ministry that provides a Faith-based approach to mental health counseling and support. Through her Ministry work FSMH President, Charity Northan, has come to realize that counseling that includes the Bible and a Christ-centric approach is far more effective in restoring the lives and dignity of those suffering with the many aspects of mental health. In support of this mission FSMH recently held their 2018 Mental Health and Faith Conference in Glendale, AZ. Learn more at
PIA is creating and connecting people and resources. A great collaboration meeting with local partner ministries, Pregnancy Resource Clinic of Arizona, Faith Solutions to Mental Health, LLC, Rescued Not Arrested, HISKingdomWorks, Hustle PHX, Impact One United Church, Cross Benefit, LAAHF, and Arizona Karen Baptist Church.
Thank you to the Sundt Foundation who presented Partners in Action with a $1,000 grant in recognition of our commitment to children in need. The Foundation receives most of its funding through employee contributions which are matched by Sundt Construction Company. We are appreciative of their kindness and generosity. The funds will be used for the Glendale Youth Project.