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News from Africa!

Update on Trip to Zimbabwe and Zambia
So much opportunity to serve but where do we start?  The Zambia team (Gwen Martinez, Jean Bowman, and Dave Meyers) spent two weeks on the ground assessing needs and opportunities in Zambia.  The trip started in Zimbabwe where the team visited the Ebeneezer Training Center and the Sondelani agro-operation.  These groups have a well-established network that produces agro-output through a large network of small farmers (known as out-growers).  Their success will inspire and guide our agro-business model in Zambia.
The focus of our immediate development will be the Namwala Region where rural poverty is pervasive.  Two things have started: a small out-grower pilot for planting cowpeas consisting of 100 farmers, and sending three community members to Kenya for Organic farming training.  Over the next three months we will set the direction for 2019 activities in Namwala.  Thanks to Daniel Chilundika who will represent Chief Mukebela as the local leader we will partner with in Namwala.

                       Daniel Chilundika with Jean Bowman in Namwala Region, Zambia     

Nigeria – What’s Next
The Okouvwori Community Center is nearing completion and now the real work begins.  In October our Nigeria team (Jean Bowman, Victor Jakpor, Kim Steele) will be back on the ground in Sapele, Delta State, to structure the programs that will be offered at the Community Center.  The center will provide training and education across a wide array of areas including entrepreneurship, health and wellness, agribusiness, and literacy.  The team will meet with local community leaders, pastors, and members to update needs, set priorities, and recruit center staff.  

             Okouvwori Village Community Center, Delta State, Nigeria

To learn more about our goal for building sustainable enterprise in Africa click here

Support PIA partner, Parents of Addicted Loved Ones

A Life of Service

Chaplain William “Bill” Glennie wears a badge and has answered the call for assistance his entire life. He has served as a back-up deputy and as the Chaplain Director for the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office and US Marshall’s Service in Arizona.  He was on the ground for two weeks during 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina offering support, prayer and comfort to the men and women serving there and to those affected by these tragedies.  As with other first responders at the World Trade Center his health has suffered from exposure, but he would respond again today if called.

In addition, Bill is the Arizona State Director of Suicide Prevention and has taught extensively about suicide prevention in the law enforcement community.  He states, “We lose more officers to suicide than on the job.” He personally has been involved in preventing three suicides.

Bill is the founder of Chaplain Services, established to train law enforcement and fire department members in chaplaincy. Through Chaplin Services, he has trained 132 chaplains to date and ministered to over six thousand individuals.  He credits his work through the support of Partners in Action, his wife Nadean, and God’s continuous grace in his life.

Your donation to Partners in Action provides the means to continue offering courses and training to these Chaplains who serve our State and our Nation.

“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” – Ephesians 4:11-12

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